RIP Challenge is here!

This blog appears to have fallen on some hard times. I’ve sorely neglected posting because I’ve got an Everest-steep learning curve at my new job.

However, I must acknowledge the beginning of Carl V.’s RIP Challenge. This was great fun last year, and this year’s challenge promises to be a second terrific chance at getting your thrills fix as the autumn chills set in.

I’m opting for the Wimp Option, also known as Peril the First: Read four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

My picks for 2007:

1. Gothic fiction: Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
2. Classic fiction: Dracula, Bram Stoker
3. Contemporary horror: Lisey’s Story, Stephen King
4. Mystery/horror: Alfred Hitchcock presents Stories My Mother Never Told Me
I’m still going to host in October the Horror Short Story Short Challenge…stay tuned…
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12 Responses to RIP Challenge is here!

  1. stefanie says:

    Nice variety! I thought about Lisey’s Story. My husband loved it. Maybe it will make it onto my list next year.


  2. Carl V. says:

    Hey, glad you are joining in! We’ll use these scary stories to kick some life back into the kitten! 😉


  3. verbivore says:

    These are great selections – so great I almost want to join in myself…but I’m already up to my ears in challenges this fall. I’ve always wanted to read Dracula. However, I am reading Frankenstein in October for my Classics book group.


  4. Dorothy W. says:

    Nice list — a good variety there. Enjoy the Austen and the Stoker! I read Dracula last year and enjoyed it greatly.


  5. Ex Libris says:

    Great list! Can’t wait to hear your take on the Alfred Hitchcock collection.


  6. Courtney says:

    Great list! I’m thinking about the Austen (which would be a reread) and Dracula (new to me) – I think for contemporary I’m going to read Summer of Night by Dan Simmons. heading to B and N tonight for my first read…sigh…wonder if I’ll be able to choose…


  7. Dewey says:

    I love your diverse list. I only felt so-so about Lisey’s Story, but I love Northanger Abbey. I remember having a huge learning curve at my job when I started, but it smoothed out in time, and I hope yours will, too. Sooner, rather than later! 🙂


  8. Andi says:

    Excellent choices. I’ll be reading some of these as well (or at least that’s the plan). 🙂 I hope the job is going well even though it’s steep!


  9. Smithereens says:

    I loved Dracula and periodically get back to it when I am in need of a quick gothic fix. I want to try Lisey Story some day too but will now wait for your review! Good luck at work


  10. Charlotte says:

    Welcome back, Ms LK. I have missed your missives from the literary front.


  11. snackywombat says:

    I posted my list! This should be fun. 🙂


  12. danielle says:

    I plan on reading Northanger Abbey–eventually. I’m all into short stories now (especially scary ones) so I will watch for your challenge! Hope things get better at work. and I love your new look….I’ve been a bit behind in blog reading…can you tell?


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