‘Fess Up Friday

Surgery went okay. I learned I have a low-threshold tolerance for pain.

But I do have a nice pair of gallstone earrings now.

That’s it for writing for this week! I’m thinking of taking on some freelance writing or editing assignments. Anybody out there have any ideas? Thanks!

TGIF to ya!

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7 Responses to ‘Fess Up Friday

  1. jamey says:

    hope you’re feeling better and glad you’re back to fessing up. i’m getting back on the fessing up wagon as well. my cousin actually remarked: hey, you haven’t been fessing up lately. thanks for helping me to be accountable to my writing life. onward!


  2. Kate S. says:

    Yikes. I’m sorry to hear about your gallbladder attack but glad that the surgery went well. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you as you recover from it!


  3. Michelle says:

    Glad to hear you’re OK – I had a dodgy gall bladder removed a few years back.


  4. Iliana says:

    Hope you are doing well and have a quick recovery!


  5. Oh, no, Literary K, I missed the news about your surgery. I totally hear you on the low threshold–I had surgery last year and it knocked me on my ass. I hope your recovery is coming right along. Feel better!


  6. Earrings from gallstones? Now that’s creative.


  7. learn quran says:

    Hope You're feeling better,My prays with you.


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